Category Archives: Estate Planning

Benefits of Our Sell Your Business Services

Most business owners own their businesses for much of their lifetime. They pour their heart and soul into the business with the goal of leaving a legacy behind. In addition, many business owners die with no succession plan in place, leaving a vibrant business caught in limbo. Oftentimes, that business will pass on to the…

The Legal Ins and Outs: When you Need to Hire an Attorney to Help with An Estate

You’d be surprised at how many people fail to get their affairs in order. According to a recent Forbes article, nearly half of all American over the. age of 55 do not have a will. Whether you need to form a trust, write your will, or have recently come into an inheritance, you’ll most likely…

Keep Your Documents Safe and Secure with Our Digital Vault

Missing paperwork. A haphazard filing system. A devastating flood or fire. Keeping our documents safe and in order can be challenging, but it is so important—especially when you are suddenly faced with a life transition, like moving from your home or losing a loved one. To help keep you organized and help your loved one’s…

Estate Planning in 7 Steps – Don’t Wait. Start Now.

estate planning

Estate planning is a necessary part of life. Studies have shown that less than one-third of American adults have a will (according to a study from However, all adults need an estate plan. Unfortunately, this is even more true during our current times with the Covid-19 crises. That means, there are a lot of…