Particularly helpful for anyone facing the loss of a loved one.
Making professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient - so anyone who struggles with life's challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere.
BetterHelp will match you to one of 3000 licensed therapists. Get feedback, advice and guidance from professional counselors. BetterHelp offers access to licensed, trained, experienced, and accredited psychologists (PhD / PsyD), Grief counselors, marriage and family therapists (LMFT), clinical social workers (LCSW / LMSW), and board licensed professional counselors (LPC). Let BetterHelp improve your mental health.
Morgan Ajello has given me the confidence and the support I need. All while being kind and overall very helpful. I enjoy talking to her.
I appreciate Jason's perspective. He is on my side, and I don't feel that always in my day-to-day life. He has a sense of humor and makes it easy to talk with him.
Christy is great for checking in, understanding, finding out a good amount of information from you before giving advise to see where you are at.
I can really see the whole picture of what is going on. I'm grateful to have been paired with a counselor I connect with.
Answer a few questions to find a therapist that fits your needs and preferences. Tap into the largest network of licensed, professional, board-certified providers
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Counselors on BetterHelp are licensed, trained, experienced, and accredited psychologists (PhD / PsyD), marriage and family therapists (LMFT), clinical social workers (LCSW / LMSW), or licensed professional counselors (LPC). All of them have a Masters Degree or a Doctorate Degree in their field. They have been qualified and certified by their state's professional board after successfully completing the necessary education, exams, training, and practice. While their experience, expertise, and background vary, they all possess at least 3 years and 2,000 hours of hands-on experience.
After you sign up, we will match you to an available counselor who fits your objectives, preferences, and the type of issues you are dealing with. Different counselors have different approaches and areas of focus, so it's important to find the right person who can achieve the best results for you. We have found that we are able to provide a successful match most of the time; however, if you start the process and you feel your counselor isn't a good fit for you, you may elect to be matched to a different counselor.
BetterHelp may be right for you if you're looking to improve the quality of your life. Whenever there is anything that interferes with your happiness or prevents you from achieving your goals, we may be able to help. We also have counselors who specialize in specific issues, such as stress, anxiety, relationships, parenting, depression, addictions, eating, sleeping, trauma, anger, family conflicts, LGBT matters, grief, religion, self-esteem and more.
The cost of counseling through BetterHelp ranges from $40 to $70 per week (billed monthly). You can cancel your membership at any time for any reason.
In most cases, within 24 hours or less.
You can get counseling in four ways:
The professionals who work through BetterHelp are licensed and credentialed therapists who were certified by their state's board to provide therapy and counseling. However, while the service may have similar benefits, it's not capable of substituting for traditional face-to-face therapy in every case. Please note that your provider won't be able to make any official diagnosis, to fulfill any court order or prescribe medication.